you have a nice blog there, would be awsom if you check out - biggest online resource for long and freebording spots world wide! no more ugly google pic... instead use a interactive map for your spots! :-P
nice blog, i really like the content! just twittered you as well :-P
would be dope if you check out my page --->! - the biggest online resource for longboarding spots world wide! - no more need 2 make screenshots from google, just create a spot and embed it in your blog =D
2 comentarios:
hi guys!
you have a nice blog there, would be awsom if you check out - biggest online resource for long and freebording spots world wide! no more ugly google pic... instead use a interactive map for your spots! :-P
yo guys!
nice blog, i really like the content! just twittered you as well :-P
would be dope if you check out my page --->! - the biggest online resource for longboarding spots world wide! - no more need 2 make screenshots from google, just create a spot and embed it in your blog =D
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